3:30 to 4:00 - Direct Potable Reuse presented by Sherly Rosilela, Sr. Water Resource Control Engineer, Technical Operations Section, DDW. Focus will be on pending DPR regulations to treat municipal wastewater and why adoption of the DPR regulations is DDW's priority for the year.
4:00 to 5:00 - Advanced Water Treatment Operator program presented by Steven Garner, with the AWWA. A presentation that includes history of creating the AWTO certification, why AWTO is the 1st credential offered by and for both drinking water and wastewater professionals, what the exams cover, why operators pursue the credential, and about the connection to the CA DPR regulations. Additionally, AWT-5 Operators may attend to answer questions.
5:00 to 5:30 - Cross-Connection Control Policy Handbook update presented by Zach Rounds a/o Matt Foster, DDW Santa Rosa Office.
5:30 to 6:00 Group Networking and Raffle
6:00 to 6:45 Dinner
6:45 to 7:00 Desert and Raffle
7:00 to 8:00 Guest Speakers - From 1 to 39 years as the WCWWA
The WCWWA and the Union Hotel will be hosting an afternoon training session, industry networking, family style Italian dinner, a raffle and then guest speakers to present on the WCWWA history that spans 39 years.